T-shirtten eteğe yolculuk...
Bu harika fikir "T-shirt Skirt"Epicurean Style sitesinden alıntıdır.
This gorgeous idea is from Epicurean Style" Thank you..{ m e e t p i p e r }
the t-shirt skirt
I think I've come up with something pretty fun---its economical, cute and easy.
For this tutorial you will need a large men's t-shirt. Raid your husbands closet, ask a boyfriend, or go to find one....but don't go buy a NEW shirt for this, because half the fun is knowing you are using something that you already have or have gotten for cheap and making it fun again.
Step One: Find a Men's T-shirt
Step Two: Cut off the bottom hem (cut just above the stitched hem).
Step Three: Cut 3, four inch strips off of the T-shirt (cut through both the front and the back of the T-shirt).
Step Four: Square up the T-shirt part that you have left, by cutting off the sleeves. Then cut a
Step Five: Cut the
Finish by cutting off any of the sleeve if you left any of it attached (like I did above. I was nervous about the length at first and left it on :) )
Step Six: Cut each of your four inch strips (that are more like loops) along one of the seams.
Step Seven: With each of these long
Step Eight: Along the other long edge (opposite for the edge you just sewed) make a seam using a 6.0 seam width (this will be used to gather your ruffles...so leave plenty of thread on both ends and DON'T back stitch).
Step Nine: Pull on one end of your 6.0 seam width stitch thread to gather the material or create the ruffle effect.
Step Ten: Repeat Step Nine on the other two
Step Eleven: Take your two
Step Twelve: Take the top long edge of your
Step Thirteen: Sew your ruffles onto your
Step Fourteen: Once you have all three ruffles sewn on fold your skirt in half length wise, right sides together, and sew this edge together...without catching the loose ends of your ruffles. And leaving the top one inch casing open...this is where your drawstring with thread through later so begin your seam just below this.
Step Fifteen: Turn the skirt right side out and sew the loose ends of the ruffles that match up to each other. So they aren't all flopsie-mopsie and raw edged, but rather create a look of just three big ruffles that wrap completely around the skirt.
Step Sixteen: Take the bottom hem of the skirt that you cut off at the beginning of the tutorial and thread that through the top
And just like that you have a cute skirt made out of an old t-shirt that was just waiting for a make-over. :)
Posted at 06:26 AM in Tutorial | Permalink
örgülere devam...

örgü örmeyi değil ama örülmüşlere bakmayı çook sevidiğmi farkettim. Bende maymun iştahlılık da var galiba.. Birşey yapmayı değil de yapılanlara bakıp "yaa negüzel şeyler yapmışlar!" "ben de yapsam keşke.." demeyi daha çok seviyorum. Ama yapabilir miyim? evet. Yapabilirim. Yapacak mıyım? Belki. Bilmiyorum. Sanmıyorum. Ne zaman yapacağım ki bu kadar çok şeyi..